our colleagues

Dr. Mohammad Durchin
Born :
Dezful - Khuzestan - Iran
with license :
* Associate in Laboratory Sciences from Kermanshah University of Medical Sciences
* General medical encyclopedia from Jundishapur University, Ahvaz
* Specialized encyclopedia of radiotherapy oncology from Damascus University - Syria
* Certificate of completion of supplementary IMRT & VMAT &SRS/SBRT courses from Anadolu Medical Center (AMC) Istanbul - Turkey
* Selected researcher of the year 2013, Dezful University of Medical Sciences
* Member of the Research Council of Dezful University of Medical Sciences
* Lecturer at Islamic Azad University
* Head of the Oncology Department of the International Association of Doctors for Peace and Health
* Member of the International Committee of the Iranian Cancer Society (IAC)
* Member of Radiotherapy Oncology Society of Iran (ISRO) and Europe (ESTRO)

Hossein Niasri
Born on 7/21/1364
Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering, Fluids, Azad University of Tehran
Master's degree in applied design mechanics, control major, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran
PhD in Mechanics, Aerospace, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran
Medical research areas:
Water memory theory
Medical research areas:
Water memory theory
Design and construction of molecular information transfer systems
Natural philosophy (Masha, Ishrak), the sublime wisdom of Mulla Sadra
Theory of relativity, ether theory, quantum theory
The connection of soul and body in the philosophy of nature and modern physics
Theoretical comparison of traditional medicine and modern medicine and quantum physics
Saeed Nargasi
Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM)
Homeopath (graduated from Berkeley International University, USA)
Acupuncturist (Member of the World Federation of Acupuncture Societies WFAS)
Researcher in the field of bioresonance therapy and other complementary-alternative treatment methods
Activity in the field of treatment using homeopathic medicine and acupuncture.
Activity in the field of drug addiction treatment using acupuncture.
Control and treatment of incurable diseases in the field of veterinary medicine (livestock, poultry and aquatic animals) using complementary and alternative medicine.
Raising livestock, poultry and aquatic animals in order to produce healthy protein products (without the use of antibiotics) with the help of complementary and alternative medicine.
Author of the book From Knowledge to Insight (Complementary-alternative medicine in modern veterinary medicine).
Dr. Mojdeh Jalali
Anesthesiologist and special care specialist
A graduate of Iran University of Medical Sciences for the general medicine course and Tehran University of Medical Sciences for the specialty course
Has an international degree in homeopathy and clinical and research activity in this field
Has a valid certificate from the vice-chancellor of Iran University in the field of western acupuncture in the field of pain treatment, internal diseases and has a clinical work experience in the field of acupuncture.
Passing courses related to research methods and essay writing in Tehran University and engaging in activities in the field of writing proposals and scientific articles.